Here’s a post I did on my old blog when I first got started homebrewing on my old blog. I love micro brews. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, the micro brew capital of the world. Or maybe it’s because I like the taste. Or maybe it’s because I compare beer tasting to wine tasting (I’m classy like that). Or that trying out local breweries gives you the opportunity to learn about the local community and the stories behind the beer. Or maybe it’s all of these reasons… yeah, I think so too..
I graduated in May 2008 from college, my mom asked me what I wanted for my graduation present. I said “an iPhone!” Mom promptlysaid no. And I countered with a home brew kit. After a year and a half of stalling. I got one! Granted it’s borrowed from a family friend but I got permission to brew in the house!
I’ve started my own micro brew adventure. Luckily I found Above the Rest Homebrewing Supplies, in Tigard, Oregon. Not only do they support locally sourced and organic products, they give FREE classes! How sweet is that? To top it off, Aaron, is a genius and can pretty much answer every question you have. He just loves beer, the science, the freedom, everything! Shameless plug, buy something at Above the Rest Homebrewing Supplies and mention my name and I get 10% of my next purchase. So support a great family owned company and me and buy from them!
Side note, Aaron no longer works at Above the Rest Homebrewing. And I actually don’t go there anymore (since I moved it’s even further away from my new location). I do still believe it’s a great place to get started when homebrewing. If you do go there, and use my name, let me know so I can use the discount. Thanks!
Side side note, the title of this blog post is one of my favorite quotes from Aaron. I love the idea of always have the ability to have people over for good homebrewed beer no matter what time it is.
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