Like starting any new hobby, there are some costs involved. My goal is to always keep my homebrew around the same price as a craft beer. So I keep track of how much I spend on each batch (possible future blog posts…) But here’s the break down of my first homebrew investment:
- Starter kit: Free! This I actually borrowed from a family friend. He was traveling for a year and I reaped the benefits of him being gone.
- Gypsum: $1.05. In case you were wondering, gypsum is used for adding hardness to water used while homebrewing.
- Irish Moss: $1.55. Irish Moss is used to help clarify homebrew. This fining agent works by making the smaller molecules aggregate into larger particles so they settle out of the solution.
- A-1 Sanitizer: $5.10. Sanitization is key in homebrewing.
- Hop bags: $2.60. This makes it super easy to remove hops from the wort during the cooking process.
- Clip Thermometer: $9.99. Key for keeping track of wort temperatures.
- 7 Gallon Pot: $49.99. Super easy to make 5 gallons of beer in.
Initial Investment: $70.28. Not that bad for getting a hobby off the ground. I also took a free class at Above the Rest Homebrewing to make sure I had a good understanding of what exactly I was supposed to do. Since I’m a visual learner that was key.
What’s your hobby? Do you keep track of the costs?
Where’d you get the 7 gallon pot?
One of the kitchen stores at the Woodburn outlet malls. Also, I’ve heard of people using Army pots from the Army / Navy surplus store.