Hi! I’m Alyssa! I grew up in Montana, home of Big Sky Brewing, Bayern, and 60 other excellent breweries worth the road trip. I came to Portland for college, studied (officially) fine art, and (unofficially) beer in Austria.

I am a music lover, a cat mom, and an obsessive homebrewer. I was lucky enough to meet Jenna in 2017 and brew an explosive batch of raspberry wheat together.
My favorite beer bar at the moment is Roscoe’s in Montavilla. They have an awesome and varied tap list, and you can choose between Roscoe’s menu of soul food goodness or sushi from Miyamoto. Sushi and beer? Yes please!! There’s also pool and a few arcade games.
I’m on the constant lookout for delicious and well-balanced IPAs. Some of my favorite breweries are Fort George, Breakside, Ex Novo, and my little home brewery–HouseCat HomeBrews.
Note from Jenna: I’ve been so blessed to call Alyssa my friend for the last three years. I’ve really enjoyed watching her grow from a home brewer to an AWARD winning home brewer! I can’t wait to see what she ends up writing about here on BiteSize Brews!
I have personally had the pleasure of helping Alyssa brew and drinking many of them. She is as excellent a brewer as a person. I hope one day she gets the chance to brew on a larger level. That way more people can experience and enjoy her great brews as much as I have.