This guest blog post warms my heart because it’s written by my best friend, Beckie. Check out what she has to say about Arch Rock Brewing Company!
While Crystal and I were visiting my sister who lives on the southern oregon coast over Memorial Day, she was determined to show us what Gold Beach had to offer. My sister is also a great fan of beer (maybe more than me), and knows all of the awesome places to go because she’s lived in Gold Beach for almost 4 years. Believe it or not, it is not a micro-brew desert! It’s very easy to find a bar that serves only micros from Bend, Eugene, and Medford. But, what was most awesome is that Gold Beach has it’s own brewery- Arch Rock Brewing Company.
When we came in Larry, the co-founder/owner, greeted my sister by name. He was also the one pouring free tasters of the three standard beers they have on tap at all times (everyone who walks through their door gets tastes). What makes this place so impressive is their story. Larry owned and operated a cabinet shop outside of the town. When the economy went under, Larry closed his shop and wanted something to do with the space so him and his wife decided to start a brewery. They recruited James, a professional brewer formerly with Grand Teton Brewing in Idaho, and started brewing their standard brews:
- Gold Beach Lager- described as a German-style lager that is light, crisp and refreshing. It has a great, not overpowering taste and smooth finish.
- Pistol River Pale- described as hop-forward but well balanced and less bitter. This one is definitely the local favorite! It is so smooth and great.
- State of Jefferson Porter- described as robust porter that hints at aromas of chocolate and mocha. It’s brewed to style and enjoyed year-round. This is one of the better porters I’ve had. Just enough chocolate mad coffee flavor to make sure it’s not a CDA
If you know much about the Oregon beer scene, you might be surprised that they don’t have an IPA. This is because of James and his desire to stand out with a different style in an inundated IPA market. (They did make one for a brew fest in Eugene that I got a zwickel-taste of, and it was also delicious!)
They self-distribute and don’t bottle or can so it’s difficult to come by in Portland, if you’re cruising down the 101 in your car, or on your motorcycle/bicycle/hiking boots, stop in for some awesome beer!
Been to Arch Rock Brewing Company? What did you think?
About Beckie Kruse:
I’m an Athletic Trainer by trade, but also consider myself an exert beer taster. Member of the “Frommates” friend-family and been Jenna’s best friend for 10 years. My opinions can sometimes be seen on here, especially if I’m able to finish my beer before Jenna steals it to take a sip (that doesn’t happen often). [Jenna’s Note: This only happens when she gets strawberry beer!]
What other Oregon based breweries do you like, Beckie?